a plant growing out of a money jar to symbolise help to save

Help to Save: Ways to save Money and the Environment

The most significant riches we possess are our planet and our financial security. Surprisingly, these two assets often dovetail with each other. The practices that protect and preserve the environment frequently coincide with those that also help to save money, nurturing our savings account in the process. In recent years, environmental sustainability and financial prudence have ceased to be independent domains. Instead, they have entwined, presenting numerous opportunities for individuals, like yourself, to make a real difference, both to your own bank account and the world around you.

We’ve got some handy advice and easy tips that will not only boost your bank balance but also contribute towards a greener future. So, if you’re ready to embrace a new way of living that’s kinder to your pocket and the planet, let’s embark on this journey together. Whether it’s adjusting your energy consumption habits, rethinking your transportation methods, or even making a minor tweak to your shopping routine, every little effort can make a significant difference.

In the upcoming sections, we’ll explore several strategies you can adopt. Each one designed to help you save money while also benefiting the environment. Your path to becoming more eco-friendly and financially savvy starts here. Read on to discover how you can contribute towards making the world a greener place, and in the process, save some money to deposit into your savings account at the end of each month.

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Switch to Energy-Efficient Appliances

One of the most impactful steps you can take to both save money and conserve energy is to switch to energy-efficient appliances. While the initial investment may seem steep, the long-term savings, both for your account and the environment, can be significant.

Energy-efficient appliances consume less electricity, resulting in lower utility bills. For instance, an energy-efficient refrigerator can save you up to £62 per year compared to older, less efficient models. Over the appliance’s lifetime, that’s a considerable amount that can be credited to your save account.

Similarly, an energy-efficient washing machine may save you up to £30 per year on energy costs. It also uses less water, contributing to further savings on your water bill. As a bonus, you’re also reducing your carbon footprint by consuming fewer resources.

Before you buy, it’s always a good idea to read the energy efficiency information on the label. Look for appliances with an ‘A+++’ rating. They may cost a bit more upfront, but over the years, these appliances will more than pay for themselves through lower energy bills.

When purchasing new appliances, consider setting up a standing order or a save scheme that sets aside a little money each month. It’s a handy way to manage the initial cost without impacting your budget or credit rating.

When you’ve purchased your new appliances, don’t forget to responsibly recycle your old ones. Many suppliers offer a service where they’ll take away your old appliance for proper disposal or recycling. It’s one more way you can contribute to a healthier environment.

Switching to energy-efficient appliances is a smart move. It’s an investment that helps you save on energy costs, reduces your environmental impact, and adds to your savings over time.

Reduce Water Consumption

Reducing your water consumption is an essential and relatively easy way to conserve environmental resources and save money at the same time. It’s about adopting smarter habits and, where possible, utilising efficient technology.

Install water-saving appliances and fixtures

Investing in water-saving appliances and fixtures, such as low-flow showerheads, tap aerators, and dual-flush toilets, can significantly reduce your water usage. You might need to spend some money upfront, but over the months and years, the water savings will result in lower bills and make a real difference to your savings account.

Fix Leaks

A small drip from a worn-out tap washer might not seem much, but it can waste a large amount of water over time. The same goes for leaking pipes or a constantly running toilet. Regularly check your home for leaks and repair them as soon as you find them to prevent water and money from trickling away.

Be Mindful of Your Water Use

Simple changes in your daily routines can help to save water. For example, only running the dishwasher or washing machine when they’re full, taking shorter showers, turning off the tap while you’re brushing your teeth, and reusing water where possible can all make a big difference.

Harvest Rainwater

Consider setting up a rainwater harvesting system. It’s an effective way to save on your water bill, and it’s a natural choice for watering your garden or washing your car. Rainwater is free and often cleaner for plants than tap water.

Use Your Water Meter

Your water meter can be a helpful tool in your water-saving efforts. Regularly check it to monitor your usage, identify leaks, and see the impact of your water-saving measures on your bills.

Reducing water consumption is a step that doesn’t just help save money in your bank account, but also plays a significant part in conserving our planet’s most precious resource. Moreover, if you’re on a low income or receive benefits such as universal credit, this saving could be especially beneficial. Remember, every drop counts!

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Use Public Transportation or Carpool

Transportation plays a critical role in both our personal finances and the environment. Making informed decisions about how we commute can lead to substantial savings and reduced carbon footprints. Let’s delve into how opting for public transportation or carpooling can help to save money and preserve the environment.

Public Transportation

Taking the bus, tram, or train to work or for your daily errands can help you cut down on petrol costs, maintenance, and even the stress of driving in traffic. Public transport in the UK is a well-established system, which can provide a reliable, efficient, and more environmentally friendly alternative to driving a private vehicle.

By using public transport, you also help to reduce traffic congestion, which in turn decreases carbon emissions. Moreover, you save on parking costs and potential fines, which can have a significant impact on your monthly budget and savings account.


Carpooling is an excellent alternative for people who can’t or don’t want to rely on public transport but still want to reduce their commuting costs and environmental impact. By sharing the ride with others going in the same direction, you can split fuel and parking costs, contributing to increased savings.

Carpooling reduces the number of cars on the road, leading to less traffic congestion, decreased carbon emissions, and improved air quality. Plus, it can be a more social way to travel, allowing you to network and make new friends.

Cycling or Walking

For short distances, consider cycling or walking, which are the most cost-effective and environmentally friendly modes of transport. They offer the added bonus of providing exercise and improving your overall health. You’ll save money on petrol, reduce wear and tear on your vehicle, and produce zero emissions.

Whether you choose to take public transportation, carpool, walk, or cycle, each of these options will not only help you make a positive environmental impact but also see a healthy rise in your savings over time. By making these changes, you could even qualify for a ‘low mileage’ discount on your car insurance. Remember to seek impartial help and advice if you’re unsure about making these changes. A bit of effort and smart decisions now can lead to significant benefits for both your pocket and the planet.

Opt for Reusable Products

In a world increasingly aware of its environmental impact, one of the most effective ways to save money and protect our planet is to opt for reusable products. This simple switch helps to conserve resources, reduce pollution, and can lead to impressive savings in the long run.

Benefits of Reusing

A significant advantage of reusing products is the reduction in waste that would otherwise end up in landfill sites. When waste decomposes, it emits greenhouse gases, contributing to climate change. By reusing, we’re cutting down on these emissions and helping to preserve our environment.

Reusable Bags

One of the most common ways to introduce reusable items into our daily routine is through shopping bags. Rather than using and discarding plastic bags every time we shop, we can invest in reusable bags, which are more durable and can last for years. This change helps to reduce plastic waste and can save you money as more and more shops charge for single-use bags.

Reusable Coffee Cups and Water Bottles

Many cafes and coffee shops offer discounts to customers who bring their own reusable coffee cups. The same can be said for water bottles, which can be refilled countless times, saving money on the cost of bottled water and reducing plastic waste. The bonus payment you receive in the form of discounts can make a difference in your savings account over time.

Reusable Food Containers

Switching to reusable food containers instead of disposable ones for storing leftovers, packing lunches, or getting takeaway can lead to significant savings and reduced waste. Moreover, they are often more effective at keeping food fresh, leading to less food waste.

Cloth over Paper

Using cloth napkins, handkerchiefs, and cleaning rags instead of their paper equivalents can result in savings, as these items can be used for years. This switch reduces paper waste, saves trees, and also leads to a cleaner, less cluttered home environment.

Financial Impact

While reusable items may seem costlier upfront, over time, they help you save money. The cost per use drops dramatically with every reuse, and you also avoid recurring costs associated with disposable items.

Opting for reusable items is a simple yet powerful way to help save our environment and money. It takes only a small change in our buying habits, but the result is a lasting positive impact. Remember to always look for the reusable option, your wallet and the world will thank you. For more personalised advice on managing your finances, contact our helpline at Become Debt Free on 0800 169 1536 or leave an enquiry on our website.

Cut Down on Food Waste

In the UK, it’s estimated that we throw away almost 7 million tonnes of food each year. That’s not only a significant waste of resources but also of money. Reducing food waste can have a profound effect on your budget and the environment. Here are a few simple yet effective tips to help you cut down on food waste.

Plan Your Meals

One of the easiest ways to cut down on food waste is by planning your meals. Knowing what you’ll eat each day can help you buy only what you need and prevent unnecessary purchases. Meal planning can also help with budgeting, as you’ll have a better idea of how much to allocate for groceries each week or month.

Use a Shopping List

When you go shopping without a list, you’re more likely to buy items you don’t need. Creating a shopping list based on your meal plan can help you stay on track and prevent impulse buys that may end up as waste.

Store Food Correctly

Storing food correctly can prolong its life and prevent it from spoiling too quickly. For instance, storing fruit and vegetables in the fridge rather than at room temperature can often keep them fresh for longer. Similarly, many foods can be frozen if you don’t plan to use them before their use-by date.

Use Leftovers

Rather than throwing leftovers away, try to incorporate them into your meal plan. Leftover vegetables can be used in stir-fries or soups, and leftover meat can be added to salads or sandwiches. Using leftovers can help you save money and reduce food waste.

Compost Food Scraps

Even with the best intentions, it’s inevitable that you’ll have some food waste. Instead of sending these scraps to the landfill, consider composting them. Composting is a great way to recycle nutrients back into the soil and reduce the amount of waste you produce.

Donate Excess Food

If you find yourself with excess food that you can’t use before it spoils, consider donating it. Many food banks and charities will gladly accept non-perishable food items, and some will even take fresh food.

Cutting down on food waste is an easy way to save money and help the environment. With a bit of planning and creativity, you can make the most of the food you buy and reduce the amount that ends up in the bin.

Need additional help to save money and manage your finances more effectively? Become Debt Free is here to support you. As licensed insolvency practitioners, we can provide valuable advice and solutions for your financial challenges. Contact us on 0800 169 1536 or leave an enquiry on our website.

Plant a Garden

Planting a garden can be a rewarding way to save money while also benefitting the environment. Whether you have a large backyard or a tiny balcony, there are options available to suit every circumstance. Here’s how it can help to save your pennies and the planet.

Grow Your Own Food

Planting a vegetable patch is an effective way to reduce your grocery bills. From tomatoes and potatoes to lettuce and carrots, you can grow a surprising amount of produce even in small spaces. The satisfaction of eating homegrown food is a bonus that goes beyond monetary savings.

Compost Your Waste

A garden provides a great opportunity to compost food scraps and garden waste. Composting is not only a fantastic way to reduce the amount of waste going into your council tax bin but also a way to create nutrient-rich compost for your garden. It’s a win-win situation.

Save on Fresh Produce

By growing your own fruits, vegetables, and herbs, you can cut down on the cost of buying fresh produce. This is not only beneficial to your savings account but can also reduce your carbon footprint. This is because homegrown produce does not need to be transported or stored, resulting in lower carbon emissions.

Benefit from the Therapeutic Effects of Gardening

Gardening isn’t just good for your wallet and the environment; it can also have significant mental health benefits. Many individuals find the act of gardening to be therapeutic and a great stress reliever. These positive effects can contribute to a healthier, happier lifestyle.

Promote Biodiversity

By planting a variety of plants, you can help promote biodiversity in your local area. Different plants attract different species of insects and birds, supporting a more diverse ecosystem. This kind of natural biodiversity can be beneficial for the environment in many ways.

Rainwater Harvesting

Collecting and using rainwater for your garden can help you reduce water consumption, which can lead to significant savings on your water bill over time. It’s an easy way to use a natural resource while saving money and helping the environment.

Getting your hands dirty in the garden can be a fun, rewarding, and eco-friendly way to save. Don’t forget that if you’re struggling with debts or need impartial help understanding your pension choices or any financial concern, we at Become Debt Free are here to help. Contact us at 0800 169 1536 or leave an enquiry on our website.

Buy in Bulk and Avoid Single-Use Items

One of the key aspects of sustainable living and saving money simultaneously is buying in bulk and avoiding single-use items. By doing this, you not only help save the environment but also significantly cut down on your expenses.

Why Buy in Bulk?

Buying in bulk reduces the amount of packaging waste that ends up in our environment. Large packets usually use less plastic per gram of product than smaller ones. Moreover, buying in bulk is often cheaper, as the cost per unit tends to be lower.

Consider Bulk Stores

In recent years, many bulk stores have emerged that encourage customers to bring their reusable containers, bags, and jars. This strategy eliminates packaging waste altogether. Purchasing from these stores supports a more sustainable retail model and often local businesses as well.

Avoid Single-Use Items

Convenience often comes at a cost, both to our bank accounts and the environment. Single-use items, like disposable cutlery, coffee cups, and water bottles, create enormous amounts of waste. Instead, invest in reusable alternatives that you can use many times over. It’s an initial cost that saves money in the long run and helps reduce pollution.

Take Advantage of Your Savings Account

The money you save by buying in bulk and avoiding single-use items can go straight into your savings account. Every month, even the smallest savings make a difference. Over time, this amount can significantly contribute to your financial stability or your next big purchase.

While we’re on the topic of saving, let us remind you of the importance of managing your debts. At Become Debt Free, we are committed to providing impartial help and guidance to help you handle your debts effectively. If you need advice or assistance, please call us on 0800 169 1536 or leave an enquiry on our website.

Remember, every little bit helps. With each sustainable choice you make, you’re contributing to a healthier environment and a healthier bank account. It’s a win-win situation!


In today’s world, each one of us plays a crucial role in preserving the environment and our financial stability. Implementing the tips we’ve discussed not only helps you save money but also contributes to a healthier and more sustainable planet.

Switching to energy-efficient appliances, reducing water consumption, using public transport, opting for reusable products, cutting down on food waste, planting a garden, unplugging electronics when not in use, and buying in bulk while avoiding single-use items are all effective strategies to help you save. These choices might seem small, but collectively, they can have a significant impact over time.

Moreover, consider channelling your savings into a save account. Establish a standing order to ensure a consistent flow of savings. Whether it’s for future investments, a dream holiday, or even your retirement, having a healthy savings account can provide you with financial stability and peace of mind.

Remember that each individual’s circumstances are unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. Therefore, it’s essential to review your financial situation regularly and make adjustments as necessary. This may include seeking professional advice on saving and debt management.

At Become Debt Free, we provide support and solutions to help individuals nationwide manage their financial situation more effectively. If you need assistance with your savings, budgeting, or managing debts, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Call us on 0800 169 1536 or leave an enquiry on our website.

With this, we hope that this guide has given you practical information and inspiration to help you make more sustainable and financially sound choices in your everyday life. Let’s make a difference to our planet and our pockets, one step at a time.


Can buying in bulk always save me money?

While buying in bulk often offers a lower price per unit, it’s important to remember that it can lead to waste if products are not used before their expiry date. Always consider whether you can realistically use up the products you buy in bulk.

What are some other ways to save money and help the environment?

Consider exploring renewable energy options, composting at home, and choosing energy-efficient vehicles or electric cars. Moreover, look for ways to upcycle items around your home rather than throwing them away.

How can I manage my savings more effectively?

A good starting point is to set up a monthly budget and stick to it. Monitor your spending habits and identify areas where you could cut back. Also, consider setting up a standing order to transfer a set amount of money into your savings account each month.

Where can I get help with managing my debts?

At Become Debt Free, we provide support and solutions for individuals struggling with debt. Call us on 0800 169 1536 or leave an enquiry on our website. Our team of licensed insolvency practitioners will be happy to help you.

Remember, making small changes to your daily habits can lead to significant savings over time. Start today, and contribute towards a sustainable future and a robust savings account.


The primary sources for this article are listed below.

How to save | MoneyHelper

Details of our standards for producing accurate, unbiased content can be found in our editorial policy here.

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Re10 (Finance) Ltd, York House Unit 4, Gemini Business Park, Sheepscar Way, Leeds, LS7 3JB
Insolvency Practitioner, image words The Insolvency Service
R3 Business Accreditation, Image R3 Business Accreditation logo
Insolvency Practitioners Association Accreditation, image insolvency practioners association logo

Customers can get free debt advice from the Money Advice Service – an organisation set up by the Government to offer free and impartial advice to those in debt. For more information from the Money Advice Service visit www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk. MAS is part of the Money & Pensions Service. We are not affiliated with MAS in any way.

Become Debt Free is a trading style of Re10 (Finance) Limited Registered Number 04651137.  Data Protection Act Registration Number – Z8613095

Become Debt Free specialise in providing and administering Individual Voluntary Arrangement (“IVA”) solutions to individuals based in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.  We do not administer Debt Management Plans, Debt Relief Orders, or any other debt solutions.  We only provide advice after completing or receiving an initial fact find where the individual(s) concerned meets the criteria for an IVA, therefore, all advice is given in reasonable contemplation of an insolvency appointment.

* To qualify for debt write off in an IVA with us, you must have a minimum of £7,000 of qualifying unsecured debt owed to two or more creditors.  The amount of debt write off is based on your own personal circumstances – typically this could be up to 85% of what you owe; and this has been achieved by over 10% of our customers who have successfully completed their IVA’s in the last 12 months.  The amount of debt write off differs for each customer and is dependent upon their individual financial circumstances and subject to the approval of their creditors.

Andrew Bowers is authorised in the UK to act as Insolvency Practitioner by the Insolvency Practitioners Association.


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